So, as we all know by now, I am the kind of girl who likes to post embarrassing and cringey things because apparently, they are funny to read when you look back upon them. I was supposed to post this yesterday/earlier today, but I obviously failed in that because I didn't finish it in time. I think one of my resolutions this year should be something about procrastinating less, but, let's face it: that is never going to happen and I would like my resolutions to be something that I could at least hope to achieve at some point in 20134. Also, as much as I hate to admit it, it's getting harder and harder to differentiate what events happened in what year and I just thought that this would be the perfect way to end my 2013 and start my 2014 - a post, highlighting some (but definitely not all) of the things I have been blessed with in 2013. Enjoy ~~
1:What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before?
I wish I could say I travelled to a new country, or jumped out of the sky (safely), but honestly, probably the most exciting new thing I did in 2013 is expand my beauty regime (I know, I live a sad life). For anyone interested, I bought concealer, blush, an eyebrow kit and a whole load of face masks to be used weekly!
...I know. You all must be thinking I was such a tramp before this year.
Honestly though, here are some things I did this year that I've never done before:
* Go to a baby shower
* Receive a valentine's day gift
* Purposely smile with my teeth in photos!
* Got a fringe (which lasted for about 2 weeks)
2:Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I actually don't usually make new year's resolutions, but when I do, there's usually one about studying harder and one about being fitter. In terms of the two, I haven't particularly gotten better grades at Uni (if anything, they've dropped a bit) but surely, if the course is getting harder gradually and I'm maintaining my grades, then I must be working harder? Fitness-wise, I was totally on it at the beginning of the year with gym and blogilates in the summer, but I've slacked since going back to Uni in October.
For next year, however, I think I will write myself a list of new year's resolutions and take them seriously. I want to be less petty, shout at my boyfriend less, tone up, start a journal, save money etc. 2014 is going to be my year.
3:Did anyone close to you give birth?
Two people close to me are about to give birth! Ask me this question next year, and I'll be able to tell you all about baby Tsang and baby Valdiny hehe.
4:Did anyone close to you die?
I am blessed enough to have not had anybody I know pass away this year~
5:What countries did you visit?
I was in Italy at the beginning of this year, since I went skiing, but I haven't been anywhere else this year, unfortunately. I'm going to Hong Kong this summer, but I'm currently browsing around to see if I can convince my boyfriend to go on a 3-day trip with me somewhere in Europe before I start the semester for University again.
6:What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013?
Wisdom? Maturity? I feel like being in a relationship this year has opened my eyes to what kind of girlfriend I am versus what kind of girlfriend I'd like to be. I want to have more understanding and patience and forgiveness in 2014.
7:What dates from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
March 17th: anniversary date♡
8:What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I think I'd have to say that being able to gain a pre-registration place in a hospital was one of my proudest moments this year. However, I definitely could not have done it without God and my family and loved ones supporting me throughout the whole thing.
9:What was your biggest failure?
I wouldn't count anything that has happened in my life to be a failure: I have failed, at so many things, but a failure indicates I haven't learnt from it. Sure, I didn't get that job in London, or that grade, or get that interview I wanted - yes, those things I failed to do. But, I don't look back at those events with huge regret. Rather, I just don't look back at them: there's no point on dwelling on things that haven't happened when I could focus on all the greatness that has happened in my life.
I have failed in 2013, but those fails are not greater than the gains I have been blessed with.
10:Did you suffer illness or injury?
I was never so unwell that I had to be admitted into hospital, but I did call the ambulance service once this year and I hope that this will not happen again next year.
11:What was the best thing you bought?
Well, I am supposed to be getting a car (a little white Fiat500) for work next year, which I thought would be in my possession by this time, but alas, my Dad is still searching around for me. However, if I did have the car by now, that would by far be the best thing I (well, my family) bought for me.
In terms of things I did actually buy this year, I'd say the best thing would be a ticket to see Taylor Swift next year: so excited for this to happen!!
12:Whose behaviour merited celebration?
This is such an odd question. I guess one of the news stories that struck me this year was when Angelina Jolie announced that she'd had a double mastectomy in February as a preventative measure. As someone who is involved in the healthcare sector, I think she did a wonderful thing. It got people talking and that's the first step, isn't it? I just feel like it's another thing I can add on to my "reasons why I love Angelina Jolie" list.
13:Whose behaviour made you appalled?
I feel like I can't pick someone famous for this question because the news, 90% of the time, is always about some appalling behaviour. Instead, I'll go for something more personal and say that I've been appalled by the way my friend's ex-boyfriend has treated her this year.
If I could tell him anything, I'd tell him that he just lost the best girl he'd ever had. I'd tell him that she deserves all your time because she is the most wonderful, loving, kind, caring and thoughtful person who always always always put you first, but whom you always put last. You didn't deserve her; she deserves so much better of you. I hope she always knows that. /end rant.
14:Where did most of your money go?
Boring things! Rent, bills, contact lenses and travel expenses. Although I did buy a plane ticket to Hong Kong and tickets to Taylor Swift as well, which took up quite a bit of my spending allowance for the end of this year.
15:What song will always remind you of 2013?
How can I pick just one song?! To be honest, I think in a funny way that "Call Me Maybe" will probably remind me of 2013 the most. This year, my flatmate and I made it our personal goal to do blogilates 'Call me Maybe squats' everyday during revision period, and we did it! The funny thing is that we did it in my room because it's the biggest one, but I'm on the top floor and I can just remember laughing with pain as my legs gave way trying to walk down the stairs haha.
16:Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? (c) richer or poorer?
(a) Happier, by far.
(b) Thinner! (not intentionally: I'm a person with gastro problems though)
(c) Richer - not much financially, but a lot in terms of life.
17:What do you wish you’d done more of?
* I wish I'd spoiled my parents more
* I wish I'd stayed up longer with my flatmates
* I wish I'd taken more photos
* I wish I'd watched 'Love Actually' more than once.
18:What do you wish you’d done less of?
* I wish I'd napped less!
* I wish I'd complained less
* I wish I'd spent less time playing games on my phone.
19:How did you spend Christmas?
The only way it should be done: surrounded by my family and friends, stuffing ourselves silly with our favourite foods, with lots of laughter and happiness (although unfortunately not carrying on the our yearly tradition of monopoly)
20:Did you fall in love in 2013?
I certainly did♡
21:What was your favourite TV program?
The only new TV programmes I started this year were "Breaking Bad", which I started 2 weeks ago, and "Orphan Black". I enjoyed "Orphan Black", but I could easily say that "Breaking Bad" is definitely becoming one of my favourites up there with "House" and "Greys Anatomy" heh.
22:What was the best book you read?
It's embarrassing to say that I don't think I've finished any new books this year. I'm one of those people who likes re-reading books over and over, so, if I had to pick the best book I've re-read this year, it's probably 'The Hunger Games': finished it in 2 days, I was that into it all over again hehe.
23:What was your greatest musical discovery?
Gabrielle Aplin! After her success singing the song for John Lewis' 2012 Christmas advert, I didn't pay her much attention until about spring time? I listened to another one of her songs, decided to spotify her album and have fallen in love with it ever since. Her music is so my kind of music: acoustic, charming, relaxing, the kind of music you can listen to before going to bed.
24:What did you want and get?
I wanted a job set up for after graduation: I wanted to work in a hospital, and although I didn't quite get it in London, I was still able to get a job as a pre-registration pharmacist in a hospital in Kent, yayyy~
25:What did you want and not get?
I wanted (want?) a ton of material things: a pair of UGG boots, a matching set of underwear from Victoria's Secret, a new iPhone, those kinds of things.
However, while I do want those things, I have to say, my life is completely brilliant, even without those things anyway ~
26:What was your favourite film of this year?
I watched soooo many in the cinema the first half of this year since it was mine and my boyfriend's perfect idea of a date. It's going to be quite hard to pick out my one favourite film of the year: I liked so many for different reasons! So, I'm just going to cheat and name my favourites from the year:
* Star Trek: Into Darkness - trust me, I was all, 'this is going to be so boring', but it was SO good. Amazing film.
* Wreck-It Ralph - don't knock it until you've seen it!
* Django Unchained - again, another film I was not sure I wanted to watch, but ended up enjoying so much once I started watching.
* Cloud Atlas - super smart, so quick paced, left me a bit confused, but still, a very good film.
27:What kept you sane?
Cups of mocha with my flatmates during exam time: sitting in our seriously cold living room on the floor by the radiator, leopard-print throws wrapping us up warm, or squeezing all of us into someone's bed, praying the slats won't give way and break. Biting both ends off our white chocolate 'fingers' to drink our coffee through before eating the soft biscuit, talking about ridiculous things, sometimes watching videos, rarely doing any work, but generally just spending time together before looking at the clock and realising just how late it had become.
I don't know how I would have coped these past two years without those girls in that house.
28:Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
lol, this question. Male-wise, there were so many beautiful men that I appreciated, but my love for Ryan Gosling seemed to grow this year. Concerning females, SNSD's Tiffany will always always always be my favourite girl ever, but my girl crush on Jennifer Lawrence is also becoming more obvious.
29:Who did you miss?
The person I've missed the most this year has to be my boyfriend. It's unfortunate that our relationship started so late in terms of his University life. Currently, he lives in London whilst I live in Bath, and even though we're only 2 hours away by train, that's a long time in those moments when you need someone with you there and then. However, I know I'm blessed enough that our long-distance relationship isn't any longer than 2 hours, but that doesn't stop me from missing him...
30:Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013.
If something about someone is frustrating you, then, tell them.
How can I expect someone to know that I'm upset with them if I don't tell them myself? People aren't mind-readers and they aren't psychic. As great as it would be for everyone around me in my life to know exactly what I want from them, it's unrealistic and frankly, naive to think that that is the case.
So, I say, you want someone to know something, then tell them. They might not do anything with that information, but definitely nothing will happen if you don't tell them. Does that make sense?
Happy 2014 to all my secret readers out there: may you be blessed with wealth, health and happiness for the next 365 days and actually, for the days after that too.
If your 2013 was amazing, then I hope you have an even better 2014 that will top 2013 in every single way.
If your 2013 was not so amazing, then I hope 2014 will be kinder to you and bring you the things that you deserve, because in the end, you and I, we all deserve to be happy.
(Picture credits go to: © Liz Climo 2011-2013)
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