☆ summer lovin'

England has been having a particularly lovely spell of sunshine and high high temperatures recently. Too bad I started work around the same time too. hmm. not cool.
However, I was lucky enough to take a few days off of work and have a trip with my boyfriend last week! We went up to Birmingham because he lives near Liverpool and for him to come all the way down to London, it would have cost him about £120. eep, especially considering my ticket up to Birmingham only cost me £7.90 - bargain.

Anyway, I hadn't seen him since we left Uni back in June, so I was super excited to see him and spend some time with him.
I had such a blast, we just did so many things and 4 days wasn't enough time (to be soppy). We went shopping (where I proceeded to buy myself a couple of things, with the encouragement of my boyfriend), we went to the zoo (100% my idea, which he wasn't so keen on, but still indulged in anyway, aww), we went to cadbury world (he enjoyed that more than me, although he would not admit that) and we just generally enjoyed each other's company.

It's funny to go from being together 24/7 at Uni, parting ways to go home and then coming back together for a few days only to be apart again. I miss him very much, but it's not as bad as when we first moved back home after summer, because I know I'll see him again soon? It's hard to describe and I know some people have much longer-distance relationships than I do, but I think 300 miles is still a long way away when sometimes, all you really want is a kiss and a hug from your favourite person ever. 

p.s. I was so very, very spoiled on this trip. Just look at my presents:

My boyfriend is the best boyfriend. (but I am obviously very biased in my opinion.)


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